Public Domain/ Talking Books/Stories/Fairy Tales in BookBuddi Format:
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Dual Voice to reduce Monotony and Male/Female Selection Control. Uses SAPI compliant TextToSpeech Engines. Auto skin changer.
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The Highway Code (UK) (260 pages) Each RoadSign
is important enough to have its own page .
A Level Maths DownLoad to improve your Maths Score. (Updated
Mar 2010 24.85MB).
Absolute Value and Complex Numbers (Updated Feb 2009)
Matrices and related articles
Eigenvalue, eigenvector and eigenspace
Laplace Transform (with examples)
Some Math Formulas ( a must see to help understand calculus )

GCSE Science Study Guide (Updated Mar 2010 58.34MB).
Transistors, Op Amps, Digital Logic Gates and Data Storage Latches

Control Systems (Incomplete Updated 18 Feb 2009)

Alice in Wonderland by by Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)
Alice in Wonderland Shorter
In the Begining

Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)
The Tinder-Box , Little Claus and Big Claus , The Princess and the Pea ,The Little MerMaid

More Books ( including old course notes, child and baby books )

Audio Books. Please
unzip 1st.
Learn German
Shakespears MacBeth